
Academic Salon: Epigenetic And Stem Cells

Author:     Time:2017-06-28     Page View:778 

Subject:Epigenetic And Stem Cells

Lecturer:Kang JiuHong

From:Tongji University

Time:14:00, 30th June (Friday)

Place: Room 108, Building 1, North Campus

Organizers: College of Medical Technology, The Department of Science and Technology

Brief Introduction of The Lecturer:

Prof. Kang Jiuhong, doctoral tutor, professor of Tongji University, the director of the Biology Discipline Committee, the director of Developmental Biology Branch of the Institute of the Chinese Society of Cell Biology Medical Cell Biology, deputy director of the Anatomy Institute of Chinese Medicine Committee.

Research direction: 1) stem cell totipotency formation, genome stability and to the nerve and the epigenetic mechanisms of myocardial directional differentiation (noncoding RNA, DNA methylation and histone modification), 2) the signal transduction of tumor formation, immune and epigenetic mechanisms.

Welcome your participation!


College of Medical Technology

  The Department of Science and Technology